The Only Way I can Eat Zucchini


By Rand E. Creitz


   4-6 very young zucchini, sliced

   2 med tomatoes, peeled and diced

   1 small onion, sliced

   Parmesan cheese, to taste

   4 slices bacon

   salt and pepper, to taste


   As with Brussell sprouts, the addition of bacon is magic for me.


    Cook bacon, set aside and retain drippings. In the same pan, cook squash and onions until tender. When squash is done, turn off heat and sprinkle tomatoes, crumbled bacon and Parmesan over the top and re-cover. Allow tomatoes to just warm through and serve immediately. You may not need any added salt, but fresh ground pepper is really good on this stuff.




   Rand E. Creitz


"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."