Egg Batter For Veggies


By Rand E. Creitz



  Deep-fried mushrooms were a wonderful surprise for me several years ago. This batter works well on them and any other vegetable you want to chop up, even carrots.


   1 cup corn starch

   1 egg

   1/4- 1/2 cup white wine

   1 1/2 tsp salt

   pepper, garlic, chive, basil and/or any spice mix or rub you like


  Combine corn starch and spices in a bowl, add egg and enough wine to make the batter as thick or as thin as you want it. Dip veggies in batter and fry in 375 degree oil until browned.




  Rand E. Creitz

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."