Corn Off The Cob


By Rand E. Creitz


   This is something we started when our daughter first got braces. It's not what I remember as creamed corn, nor is it how I remember fried corn being. It's just good corn.


    6 ears fresh corn, sliced from cob with scrapings from the cob

    2-4 tbsp butter

    1 1/2 tbsp flour

    1/2 cup milk

    1/4 cup water

    salt and pepper


   Begin by cutting and scraping corn into a med/lg skillet or saucepan. Cook on low heat with butter, salt and pepper to taste until nearly cooked, and even a little brown in spots. Combine milk, flour and water and stir until smooth. Add to corn and lower temp even more, simmering while covered until flour is cooked well. What happens is that about a half-handful of Bechamel, or white sauce, forms around the corn as it cooks. Corn is a bit like potatoes, rice and chicken; you can add a world of different kinds of flavor to it. See below.


    Note: many people enjoy some pimiento diced into this kind of corn. Onions or dried beef diced into it is pretty good as well, but watch the salt if you do that.





     Rand E. Creitz

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."